Cryo Facials

What You Need to Know for Your Visit

Facial cryotherapy involves using a controlled stream of pressurized liquid nitrogen vapor applied to your face and neck to help stimulate and improve the overall appearance of your skin. The treatment stimulates an increase in collagen, skin firmness, and a decrease in fine lines and wrinkles. In addition, cryo facial therapy flushes away built up toxins in the skin and soothes inflammation, eliminating puffiness. Pore size is reduced, keeping toxins, dirt and grime out. It is also a perfect treatment for chronic skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, dermatitis, and eczema.

You are welcome to add a facial after your whole body cryo session or after time in the infrared sauna (nothing is more refreshing). Or, you can opt to come in exclusively for a facial.

You can be fully clothed, as long as your neck is exposed. It’s fine to leave any make up on. The entire process lasts 10 to 15 minutes. You’ll see glowing results immediately and you’ll feel super refreshed. Long-term results require multiple sessions on a weekly basis for several weeks, with follow-up weekly maintenance.