Infrared Sauna


What You Need to Know for Your Visit

In a traditional sauna, the air gets very hot, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere. Our full-spectrum Infrared sauna produces a radiant heat which increases the thermal energy inside your body’s joints, muscles, and tissues. This is a great way to reduce inflammation, enhance muscle recovery, and speed healing processes.

Recent studies show that when used regularly (at least 2-3 times a week), infrared saunas can dramatically improve cardiovascular health; speed cellular regeneration; boost metabolism; enhance your immune system; and relieve stress.

Plan on your first session being 30 minutes long. Everyone is different. For optimal results, clients need to remain in the sauna for at least 15 minutes after breaking into a sweat. Sessions are booked in 30 minute blocks. Once we establish the best amount of time in the sauna for you, your appointments will be customized for that time.

What to wear? You’ll have a dressing room to change. Wear a Catskill Cryo robe, or bring lightweight, comfortable shorts and a top, or bathing suit.

Fresh towels and plenty of water are supplied.

Once a client books a sauna session, the appointment time is reserved exclusively for the client (and up to three friends/family members.) The sauna is completely disinfected after each use.